Sustainability Working Group Physical Meeting in Vienna
A1 Telekom Austria AG
Lassallestraße 9
Wien, Austria
Show on mapAgenda

Session 1 - Introduction session
Each participant introduces themselves and their company. You can also share your companies progress, updates, and priorities (5 minutes each)
Session 2 - Open Discussion -Sustainable Governance & Corporate Engagement
All operators to participate in this round table discussion.
Session 3 - Circular Strategy & KPIs
Presenter 1 - Valter Sousa, NOS
Presenter 2 - Charlotte Hannen / Jikke op de Weegh, KPN
Address by Deputy CEO, A1 Group
Address by Deputy CEO, A1 Group
Session 4 - Introduction to The European Accessibility Act 2025
Presenter 1 - Adriana Kauliลa, TET
Session 5 - Biodiversity Impact
Presenter 1 - Charlotte Hannen / Jikke op de Weegh, KPN
Session 6 - KPIs for ESG & Leadership Incentives
Presenter 1 - Sanda Varpa, LMT
Session 6 (cont.) - KPIs for ESG & Leadership Incentives
Presenter 2 - Catherine Bals, Proximus
Presenter 3 - Adriana Kauliลa, TET
Short walk and Dinner
Short walk through the beautiful city center of Vienna followed by dinner at Figlmüller Bäckerstraße
Session 1 - Rountable Introductions
Each participant introduces themselves and their company.
Session 2 - CSRD Update
CSRD WG Update from ETIS
Session 3 - External session - ESG regulatory compliance and Carbon Accounting
Greenomy and IBM to present
Session 4 - Internal Carbon Pricing (Carbon Accounting, Navigating the Path to Net Zero CO2 Emissions)
Presenter 1 - Catherine Bals, Proximus
Presenter 2 - Charlotte Hannen / Jikke op de Weegh, KPN
Session 5 - Round Table - Joint Efforts on Common Suppliers
All operators to participate in this round table discussion.
Session 6 - Closing Session & Action Plan Development
Review of key takeaways
Planning next steps and commitments
Feedback and closing remarks