This event is now sold out. Please contact the organizer for more details or view other events from ETIS.
Non-Sponsored Informal Dinner&Drinks in Mechelen

We will meet in the restaurant, as we have a reserved space for our group.

Registration starts

Lobby / Main Entrance

Session 1JOINT SESSIONWelcome from the Hosts, Organisers and Sponsors

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Welcome to both groups:

- Mark Van Tiggel, Tribe Lead - Security and Cyber Resilience, Telenet (10' welcome speech & presentation)
- Andrija Višić, ETIS Central Office, "Updates from ETIS" (5 min speech)
- Sponsors welcome (3 min speech each)

Splitting into 2 groups

CERT-SOC: room tbc
Anti-Abuse: room tbc

Session 2: "Introductions Roundtable and Company Updates (Part 1)"

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Roundtable introductions: 10 min

Company updates (PART I)

Each company is allocated 2 minutes to present recent challenges, threats, incidents, projects, and future plans. Also mentioning expectations from this 2-day meeting. New members of the group may prepare a longer presentation.

Coffee Break
Session 3: Deception techniques and tooling: Honeypots(and Nets)

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Presentations expected from operators using the most sophisticated deception tooling out there.

Contact Andrija Visic directly ( to secure your presentation slot.


Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Lunch Break
Session 4: Using AI for Analysis and Improving user communication in SOC

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

In this session, operators are encouraged to share best practices in:

- using copilot and other AI sec. tools
- improving skills in detection engineering (by using AI)
- using AI for Analysis. Review of Reports for actual threat actors
- other best practices

Contact Andrija Visic directly ( to secure your presentation slot.


Slot 1

Slot 2

Coffee Break
Session 5: Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs)

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Contact Andrija Visic directly ( to secure your presentation slot.


- Slot 1: "The benefits of implementing a Threat Intel Platform for a TI team", Manuel Carneiro, Sunrise, 20' + Q&A

Discussion, 10'

Slot 2: "MatterBot demo", Arnim Eijkhoudt, KPN, 15'

Guided tour of Mechelen (ending in the restaurant)
Sponsored Dinner for All Attendees

Restaurant: "Puro Mechelen", Guldenstraat 20, 2800 Mechelen

Maps Link:

Session 6JOINT SESSION with Anti-Abuse working group: "AIvarious detection/observation/methodology for fighting Phishing"

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

In recent years, AI-driven solutions have significantly advanced phishing detection methodologies. Innovations include the development of large language models (LLMs) that analyze email content to identify phishing attempts with remarkable accuracy.

Telecommunication companies have also integrated AI to combat phishing, exemplified by O2's Call Defence system, which utilizes AI to scan and detect potential scam calls, alerting users in real-time to prevent fraud.

Furthermore, AI's role in incident response has expanded, enabling real-time threat detection and automated mitigation strategies, thereby reducing the impact of phishing attacks and enhancing overall cybersecurity resilience.

In this session we will hear from telcos and vendors in the telco ecosystem - contact Andrija Visic directly ( to secure your presentation slot.


Slot 1 TBC

Slot 2 TBC

Coffee Break
Groups Split

CERT-SOC: room tbc
Anti-Abuse: room tbc

Company Updates (PART 2)

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Each company is allocated 2 minutes to present recent challenges, threats, incidents, projects, and future plans. Also mentioning expectations from this 2-day meeting. New members of the group may prepare a longer presentation.

Session 7: Incident sharing roundtable

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Members share 5-10 min presentations (pre-prepared) about incidents they recently experienced.

Roundtable format where each company gets to have a slot for a presentation with or without slides. Slides prepared are not shared afterwards with participants. Slides are also optional.

Session 8: "Threat Hunting Exercises in European Telcos"

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Contact Andrija Visic directly ( to secure your presentation slot.


Slot 1

Slot 2

Lunch Break
Session 9: Signalling Security Updates from European Telcos

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Representatives of telcos that were active in addressing signalling security issues and threat actors in the past months are invited to share their progress. Others are invited to prepare a presentation on discoveries from their countries.

Contact Andrija Visic directly ( to secure your presentation slot.


Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Wrap Up Session and Topics for Next Time

Meeting Room: "MARGE"

Roundtable: Each member mentions topics they wish to include in the next meeting agenda