Meeting Point in the Brauhaus: "Brauhaus Bönnsch" - Sterntorbrücke 4, 53111 Bonn, Germany
This dinner is not sponsored - you order a la carte and pay at the exit. Feel free to join the dinner if you find yourself in Bonn earlier that day.
Welcome speeches:
- Christian Sachgau, Head of Business Resilience, Deutsche Telekom, 15'
- Andrija Višić, ETIS Central Office, 5'
Roundtable of introductions: You are invited to share updates from your company, most recent challenges and initiatives you took, but also what you expect from the 2-day meeting ahead of you.
MODERATOR: DT colleagues
In addition to the agenda focusing on business continuity and crisis management, we will visit the new security operations center of Deutsche Telekom, which controls cyber defense for DT and external customers.
MODERATOR: Andrija Višić, ETIS Central Office
What are the biggest BC priorities in your company at this moment?
Can you share and explain why and what would you like to gain from our group - in terms of knowledge to go forward.
It will be important to understand whether for your telco BCM is an umbrella or a specialized discipline (and more part of resilience).
A 1-SLIDE TEMPLATE will be circulated among group members to make sure update is done in a structured way. Please return the filled-in template to
Every participant will then receive a 10' presentation slot.
- Slot 1: "OTE's Business Continuity Management System", Kallirroi Stergiali, OTE, 20' + Q&A
- Other slots (1-slide presentations): KPN, Proximus, DT, Telenet, Telenor Norway, Vodafone Germany, Elisa
MODERATOR: DT representative
Presentation from DT
Roundtable: Each participants brings experiences from their organisation.
A longer, introduction presentation is welcome.
- Frank Jansen, KPN (1-slide update)
MODERATOR: Leila Mahlous, Proximus
Roundtable discussion based on showing how contracts with suppliers look in different telecom operators in Europe.
Participants are asked to confirm to Andrija Visic ( and Ayush Pandey ( whether they will share some of the contract structures.
We could form two groups in order to address the following (and more) questions.
• How do you manage suppliers – BCM related ones
• What kind of Audits for continuity and disaster recovery do you expect?
• How you manage sub-contractors?
• How you bring all your security controls into the contract? How harmonised?
• What kind of security contracts are you establishing?
- Leila Mahlous, Proximus, 15'
- Marjolein Meijster, KPN, 15'
- Jennifer Ebling, Swisscom, 15'
- TBC, Deutsche Telekom, 15'
Presentations expected from members related on managing power shortages and similar disruptions.
- "50 Гц --> 50 Hz: the business continuity" - Event and the preparations made in the Baltics, Latvia and LMT to be ready and disconnect Batlic energy grid from BRELL and connect to EU, Martins Kalkis, LMT, 30' including Q&A
Start at either (your choice):
- Maritim hotel lobby (6:30) - we take the tram first
- Tram stop "Bonn Universität/Markt" (6:45):
From there we do a 30 min walk and the tour will end at the restaurant at 19:30.
"Matt's Food and Wine" - a 3-course dinner and drinks
Königstraße 84, 53115 Bonn, Germany
What risks are out there on operational and enterprise levels? Others, less attended to on the aggregate level?
How geopolitical developments affect these? Let’s link this discussion with something that happened – incidents! (based on which risk is projected)
Members are invited to prepare presentations in advance.
We will take time in this session to discuss the possibility of organising a Telco BCM Benchmark for ETIS members.
- Leila (Proximus) and Jennifer (Swisscom) to introduce the topic, 15' + discussion time
- Risk apetite in a European telco, by Frank Jansen, KPN, 20' + Q&A
MODERATOR: DT colleagues
In addition to the agenda focusing on business continuity and crisis management, we will visit the T-Gallery, where it is demonstrated how digitalization and networking can support both people and companies in a meaningful way – at home, on the move, in the office, in the store, and in industry.
New group members are invited to confirm to Andrija Visic ( whether they will bring best practices from their organisations.
Type of questions to answer in the presentation:
- What methods or tools does your team use to detect incidents in real time, and how do you ensure alerts are accurate and actionable?
- What criteria determine when an incident should be escalated, and how is the escalation process structured within your organization?
- Which communication channels (e.g., email, SMS, dedicated apps) are most effective for coordinating incident response, and how do you ensure redundancy?
- What steps are taken to notify key stakeholders (e.g., management, customers, regulatory bodies) without causing misinformation or panic?
- How are roles and responsibilities assigned during an incident, and what processes ensure effective coordination among different teams?
- What protocols or decision-making frameworks are followed to ensure a swift and efficient resolution of incidents?
- How does your team conduct post-incident reviews, and what measures are taken to prevent similar incidents in the future?
- "Handling of the major incidents in 2024, as well as, the current one due to earthquake situation in Cyclades islands", Kallirroi Stergiali, OTE, 20' + Q&A
- Jennifer Ebling, Swisscom, 10' + Q&A
- Frank Jansen, KPN, 10' + Q&A
The goal of this session is to compare methodologies, identify gaps, and explore ways to improve impact modeling in incident management within the telecom industry.
FORMAT: Workshop in 2 groups
Group 1 Moderator: Riku Juurikko
Group 2 Moderator: TBC
What we mean by "Impact Models" in this session:
We will focus on how telecom organizations define, measure, and apply impact models in incident management. Specifically, we will explore:
1️⃣ Impact Categorization:
What categories do you use to classify incidents? (e.g., service disruption, financial loss, reputational damage, regulatory impact)
How do you quantify or measure these impacts?
2️⃣ Organizational and Process Structure:
Is incident management handled by a single team, or distributed across multiple teams?
How does this structure affect impact assessment and response?
3️⃣ Real-World Case Studies:
Share examples of incidents you’ve handled.
How was the impact assessed and classified?
What lessons were learned?
4️⃣ Metrics and Measurement:
How do you track impact severity and response efficiency? (e.g., KPIs like Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), RTO/RPO, customer impact metrics)
How mature is your internal vs. external incident reporting process?
5️⃣ Prioritization Challenges & Dependencies:
How do you determine which incidents require immediate attention?
What challenges do you face in prioritizing or classifying incidents correctly?
How do dependencies (e.g., third-party vendors, cross-team responsibilities) affect impact assessment?
6️⃣ Regulatory Considerations:
How do regulatory requirements influence impact classification and response strategies?
Are there compliance-driven impact models your organization follows?
MODERATOR: Andrija Višić, ETIS Central Office
Whiteboard input by all participants