Dear ETIS members,

You are invited to REGISTER to join the session on: "Playbook sharing: Taking intelligence communities to the next level"

In this session, TNO would share its vision on sharing machine-readable security playbooks in communities such as the ETIS CERT-SOC working group. The presentation would among other things cover:

  • The rationale behind playbook sharing, the value that it could offer and how it fits within the evolution of intelligence communities
  • The CACAO standard for machine-readable security playbooks that could facilitate such sharing
  • Architectures and platforms through which security playbooks could be exchanged

TNO would also share its thoughts on overcoming specific technical challenges such as:

  • tailoring community shared playbooks to specific technical infrastructures
  • ensuring interoperability with a variety of existing SOAR installations
  • validating (the impact of) community shared playbooks ahead of operational deployment

The session would conclude with a roundtable discussion on the potential of playbook sharing for the ETIS CERT and SOC community and steps that could be taken to further explore the concept.

ETIS Central Office


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