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This webinar explores the value and approach of Generative AI in the telecom sector.

It aims to clarify the technology's real-world implications and assists in strategizing its adoption while addressing potential risks.

It delves into various applications, highlighting innovative uses in customer interaction and service operations. It also discusses strategies for fostering an open ecosystem conducive to Generative AI's growth.

The session culminates with a practical demonstration, showcasing the technology's application in the field, thereby providing a comprehensive understanding of Generative AI's role in transforming communication services.


  • Making sense of it and its impact
  • Building a strategy and navigating the risks
  • The potential applications and the art of the possible
  • Approaches to building an open ecosystem
  • A demonstration
  • Q&A

Our esteemed presenters from Salesforce, AWS and Aria Systems who will guide us through an unforgettable AI journey!

Join us into the revolutionising GenAI technology and let's shape the telecom future together!


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