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Dear members of ETIS CyberSecurity related working groups,

We have a great opportunity to virtually exchange valuable points on best cybersecurity practices between telcos in ETIS and telcos from Japan, who are part of the ICT-ISAC Japan.

On 18th September, 10:00-12:00 CEST, they will connect via MS Teams and present to us their accomplishments in the 4 domains listed in the programme below.

ETIS members are invited to participate and also bring their best practices in these domains (please register above!), and please email Andrija Višić ( in case you would like to contribute a 5-10 minute presentation.

We will be collecting your proposals until 16th September, COB.

Many thanks and looking forward to this exchange!

ETIS Central Office


1. Introduction by ETIS and ICT-ISAC Japan

A welcome from the organisers of the webinar and presentation of the overviews of ETIS & ICT-ISAC Japan:

1. Overview of ICT-ISAC Japan, 5'
2. Overview of ETIS, 5'

2. Introduction of IT Security WG + Q&A

Presentations from ICT-ISAC Japan (10' in total)
- Security for office IT
- Life-cycle management of domain names
- Use of generative AI

+ presentation from Proximus on the "Use of generative AI in relation to threat modelling activities at Proximus", with a focus on Cloud Security (Jeremy Schmidt, Proximus ADA) (10')

3. Introduction of Information Sharing WG + Q&A

Presentations from ICT-ISAC Japan: (10' in total)
- Platforms for information sharing in ICT-ISAC
- Vulnerability management

+ Presentation from ETIS on sharing channels/tools and methods (Andrija Visic, ETIS Central Office), 10' + Telco Security Benchmark Study (ETIS+TNO's Richard Kerkdijk) 10'

5-minute break
4. Introduction of DoS Attack Response WG + Q&A

Presentation from ICT-ISAC Japan: (10' in total)
- Sharing DoS information between ISP members

+ Presentation from Proximus (10') on information sharing channels and specifically sharing DoS information, Jeremy Schmidt, Intelligence & Incident Response Specialist, Proximus + Arnim Eijkhoudt, Teamlead KPN-CSIRT

5. Introduction of IoT Security WG + Q&A

Presentations from ICT-ISAC Japan: (10' in total)
- Scanning vulnerable IoT devices
- C2 server detection

6. Wrap up

Summary of the best practices mentioned in the webinar and next steps in our sharing efforts between the two ISACs

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