This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ETIS events.

Each year, the ETIS Community Gathering brings together European telecommunication professionals to exchange views on current challenges and best practices as well as discuss use cases, innovation and recent developments in a trusted environment.

The only part of the Gathering which is live-streamed is the Common Session, from 9:00am-11:00am.

We invite you to register via the provided link in order to get access to the streaming link!

This year's theme will be: "Shaping The Future Of Telecoms Through The Power Of AI"

2023 marked a pivotal year for Artificial Intelligence (AI), building on its 70-year legacy. ChatGPT's usage surged and although the jury is still out, expectations are that AI will revolutionize the way we work, learn and live. The telecom industry, a key knowledge-driven sector, stands on the brink of yet another transformation due to generative AI. Telcos are already leveraging chatbots for customer service and utilizing ChatGPT for drafting marketing and sales documents. However, the opportunities of generative AI extend across multiple areas in telecom.

We look forward to welcoming you virtually in our live-stream!

ETIS Central Office







Keynote 2: "Powering intelligent networks: key learning on AI, ML and GenAI from Intel® and Lenovo from collaboration with Telecom operators"

Jorge Conejero Alberzoni

The rapid adoption of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Generative AI tools are transforming application development and allows for unprecedented leverage of the data available to/from the telecom industry.

With their unique profile in the industry, Telecom Operators are uniquely positionned to provide new sources of value and improved customer experience, as not all applications need Large Language Model in the Cloud.

Showcasing real-life examples, we will cover a wide breadth of possible deployment scenario, relevant for data science, network optimization and development, across edge data center and cloud locations.

The session features various paths towards smarter AI for all telecom, allowing for a simpler path for an AI journey.






Keynote 3: "Complexities of the AI Act, demystifying its main concepts and discussing the implications for the future of AI projects"

Michal Kubišta

The AI Act is here and with it comes a wave of misconceptions and uncertainties. In this presentation, we aim to dispel some of the ambiguities surrounding this pivotal regulation and provide a bit clearer understanding of what the AI Act truly entails and what it doesn't. Furthermore, we will navigate the general structure and requirements of the Act, shedding light on its areas of impact. So, join us as we navigate through the complexities of the AI Act, demystify its main concepts and discuss the implications for the future of AI projects.







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