This event is now sold out. Please contact the organizer for more details or view other events from ETIS.

Members of the ETIS CERT-SOC and Anti-Abuse working groups are invited to our next physical meeting which will be hosted by Telenet, in Mechelen, Belgium, on 1-2 April 2025.

REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!Upon registration, you will receive a notification your registration is pending approval, followed by another email upon its approval.

Please note:

  • up to 2 employees of ETIS partners can register for each group
  • up to 1 employee of ETIS supporting parties can register for the Anti-Abuse WG + 1 additional one if presenting
  • Anti-Abuse WG and Red-Team sub-group registrations are closed as we reached the maximum amount of participants
  • CERT-SOC WG members can still register for their group meeting.


The agendas for each of the groups are updated on a weekly bases, as presentation proposals arrive.

A sub group of red team colleagues will have a 1-day agenda (1st April).

CERT-SOC & Anti Abuse groups meet for both days, 1-2 April.





  • Underground - recommended to take in the hotel
  • Above ground - several spots will be reserved next to the venue (electric chargers included)


  • It will be included in the agenda for both days.

For any questions, please email Andrija Visic ( and Konrad Ferenczy ( directly.

We look forward to meeting you in Belgium next Spring!

ETIS Central Office


Telenet Corporate Offices
Liersesteenweg 4, 2800 Mechelen
Mechelen, Belgium

The 2-day event will take place in the Telenet offices.

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please send an email to

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