This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ETIS events.

Telco-only members of the ISWG are invite to participate in this webinar.

Proximus colleagues suggested we organise a 1,5h webinar on 26th June (NEW DATE!), 10:30am (CEST) during which we would explore both, the successes and the challenges encountered by telecom companies that use CyberArk for both privileged access management and remote access.

The goal is to come together to share experience on what works well, valuable lessons learned and hurdles faced while deploying CyberArk within a telecom environment, which will offer actionable insights on how to improve privileged and remote access.

In case:

  • you or one of your colleagues could prepare input from your organisation and participate in the webinar - please register via the link above.
  • you would need more time to prepare, please let Andrija Visic know ( so the time slot can be revised if necessary.

ETIS Central Office







Sharing your experience

Each operator representative is tasked to answer these questions:
1) Is CyberArk working within your organisation (also for telco scope)?
2) What are the challenges?
3) Would you recommend to use it?

Allowed time to present (per operator) would depend on how many operators are using cyberark today and want to present their experience.






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