This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other ETIS events.

Join us for the upcoming webinar organized by ETIS, the leading community for telecom professionals in Europe. Discover some of the best methodologies for assessing Business Impact Analysis (BIA) used by telecom operators in Europe.

We are inviting members of the Task Force to showcase how BIA is done in their organisation (template is enough).

Please confirm to Andrija Višić ( by early September, if you will take a short 10' slot, considering we will be discussing questions below and many additional ones you can bring up:

  1. Which timeframes do you use and why? Where do you start and where do you end -> 1hour, 4 Hours, 12 Hours, 1 day, etc.
  2. Consolidation / Visualisation of the timeframes - how to do it when there are potential conflicts in individual BIAs?
  3. Do you have any rule for MTPD derivation?
  4. Do you have any rules for deciding which assets should be later in BCP?
  5. What do you do with up- and downstream processes? Is there any "inheritance of time criticality" up-/downstream?
  6. Where do you get your impact categories (op risk? Somewhere else)
  7. Who sets the thresholds for the impact categories? Are these the same in the whole group or different from subsidiary to subsidiary?
  8. Do you consider a whole e2e process or do you consider an internal subsidiary with time critical delivery as a service provider?
  9. How do you use the information you collect during the BIA?

Upon approval of your registration to this webinar (link above) you will receive a confirmation email with an MS Teams link from, which we ask you to add to your calendar.

See you on September 12, 2024!







Introduction by ETIS

Andrija Višić, ETIS Central Office






Showcasing BIA in telcos in Europe

2. Presentations (min + Q&A)
• Elisa, Mikko Leinonen, 15-20 min
• Deutsche Telekom, Peter Kurjatko, 10-15 min
• KPN, Frank Jansen, 10 min
• Proximus, Leila Mahlous, 5 min
• + Other?


1) Which timeframes do you use and why? Where do you start and where do you end -> 1hour, 4 Hours, 12 Hours, 1 day, etc.

2) Consolidation / Visualisation of the timeframes - how to do it when there are potential conflicts in individual BIAs?

3) Do you have any rule for MTPD derivation?

4) Do you have any rules for deciding which assets should be later in BCP?

5) What do you do with up- and downstream processes? Is there any "inheritance of time criticality" up-/downstream?

6) Where do you get your impact categories (op risk? Somewhere else)

7) Who sets the thresholds for the impact categories? Are these the same in the whole group or different from subsidiary to subsidiary?

8) Do you consider a whole e2e process or do you consider an internal subsidiary with time critical delivery as a service provider?

9) How do you use the information you collect during the BIA?






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